The TV program I chose is One Tree Hill. I chose this show because I have watched it since it started and now it’s the 4th season and I think it’s a really great show. I like this TV show beacause there’s always a great story with a good ending in each episode and also it shows us the life of other teenagers of our age. Their life is not always easy and sometimes they have serious problems and I found it easy to recognize ourselves in these characters. The story takes place in the city of Tree Hill and it starts when Dan Scott and Karen Roe have a son named Lucas Scott and Dan decides to leave them. He married Deb Scott and had Nathan Scott. When they got older they learned that they were brother and then they became enemies but later on they became really close. Nathan married Haley who is Lucas’ best friend and Haley is pregnant. Brooke, Lucas and Peyton made a love triangle.